The Внешний круглошлифовальный станок на заказ functions for grinding the internal hole surface and end face of the cylindrical and conical components. The movement for machine tool feed and wheel compensation is driven by two separate drives. The feed system is designed with fixed-range grinding function and its feed can be executed via manual control or hydraulic control. It is equipped with jumping mechanism, unnecessary to reset the tool after returning grinding wheel measuring or dressing; with the end grinding device, the end face rotation and the longitudinal movement of the table have hydraulic linkage to ensure the perpendicularity of the workpiece end face and the hole. The internal cylindrical grinding machine is widely used for grinding the internal hole surface and end face of cylindrical, conical or profile line formed components.
Технические параметры
-- Diameter of bore to be ground: Ø6~Ø200mm
-- Максимальная глубина шлифования: 6 ~ 200 мм
-- Скорость абразивного круга: 4000 ~ 24000 об / мин
-- Скорость вращения заготовки: 100 ~ 600 об / мин
-- M215A/MD215A, M2110A/MD2110A, M2110C/MD2110C, MH2110C/MH2110C-1, M2120A/MD2120A
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