High-performance reinforced polypropylene (PPH), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) materials are used for storage tanks fabricated by extrusion-wound process, which is free of welds. They are always used to store various types of acids, alkalis or other chemical products. Different varieties, types, and sizes of the tanks are available, mainly including vertical and horizontal storage tanks. The plastic tank is composed of tank cover, tank barrel, tank bottom, and various nozzles for process pipe connection. For different working conditions, we can provide conic, oval and flat tank cover, and flat, conic and inclined tank bottom. The large-sized plastic tank is equipped with ladder and railing. The type and size of nozzles are designed and manufactured according to the national standards and user requirements. The tanks stand out for their good mechanical strength, leakage proof performance, corrosion- and temperature- resistance, cold and aging resistance, and UV resistance. They are widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, steel, non-ferrous metal smelting, petroleum, water treatment and surface treatment sectors.
Технические параметры:
-- Материал: PPH, HDPE или PVDF
-- Рабочая температура: макс. 100 °C (PPH), -30 ~ + 55 °C (HDPE), <120 °C (PVDF)
-- Толщина намотки: 8 ~ 64 мм (HDPE, PPH), 8 ~ 25 мм (PVDF)
-- Диаметр бака: 500 ~ 3500 мм
-- Хранящаяся среда: соляная кислота, серная кислота, азотная кислота, плавиковая кислота, щелочной раствор, цианид, хромат и т.д.
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